“Intuition is the whisper of the Soul.” ~ Jiddu Krishnamurti Our intuition is one of our mental and spiritual faculties that connects us to infinite Universal Intelligence. Mary Morrissey, a well-known author, and teacher describes intuition as our non-linear intelligence system. It has access to knowledge, she says, that could not be known through the logical and rational mind. It is often called our sixth sense. This still small voice is never fearful or anxious, but calm and all-knowing. One way to distinguish it from the other voices – that can sound like us but, in reality, are the voices of our mother or father, or someone whose opinion matters to us – is that there is never a trace of fear in it.
And Shakti Gawain, a New Age author and philosopher, said: “There is a universal intelligent life force that exists within everyone and everything. It resides within each one of us as deep wisdom, an inner knowing. We can access this wonderful source of knowledge and wisdom through our intuition, an inner sense that tells us what feels right and true for us at any given moment.” This is the same intelligence that is responsible for all creation, the consciousness underlying all existence. Its greatest “desire” is to continuously create and express itself through infinite forms. Therefore, it is always “working” toward expansion and fuller expression. Through our intuition, we can access this infinite intelligence, align ourselves with the direction of its evolving nature which knows what choice will be the most expansive and beneficial for us at any time in order to succeed in fulfilling our desires. Because, ultimately, our desires are the desires of the Greater Mind expressed and experienced through and as us. Although we are all born with a natural gift of intuition, we can strengthen our “intuition muscle” further with certain practices. Here are some suggestions on how we can do it: 1. Learn to recognize the voice of your intuition. One way to distinguish it from other voices is that it always speaks from love and never from fear. If there is any feeling of anxiety or criticism in it, this is not your intuition speaking. 2. The “still small voice” of our intuition is quiet and can be easily ignored. Take the time in your day to slow down and pay attention to it. It is always talking to you. The more you listen to it, the louder it will begin to speak. 3. Pay attention to the subtle feelings in your body. Although intuition may speak to you as thoughts, images, or a voice, there is typically a sensation associated with it in your body. It is often referred to as the “gut feeling” because you feel it in your gut, which has his own “brain.” This “gut-brain” is what the scientists call the enteric nervous system or ENS. It consists of 100 million nerve cells lining our gastrointestinal tract. 4. Connect to your intuition in meditation. When we quiet the chatter in mind, it becomes much easier to hear the voice of our inner wisdom. 5. The best way to build our intuition muscle is to trust our hunches and act on them. When we see the benefits of following this voice, we will do it more confidently the next time. Soon, we will begin consulting our intuition before we make any important decisions. 6. Ask yourself a question and pay attention to the very first feeling. Try not to think for a few seconds. Tune into your body. How does it feel? Does it feel contracted? Or do you feel a pleasant sensation? Be attentive, these sensations can be very subtle. A good question to ask yourself is: “Is this mine to do?” The intuitive answer could be a clear “yes” or a clear “no.” If the answer is unclear, ask yourself, “Is this mine to do now?” Sometimes we know that it is the right thing to do but now is not the right time. 7. And finally, use journaling to improve your communication with your subconscious and superconscious minds. It also helps us to capture our great creative ideas and insights. As a result, we will have more of them. Creativity is one of intuition’s favorite languages. Our heart is another great portal to our inner wisdom. You can learn more about the wisdom of the heart and how to access it here.
7/7/2020 10:22:33 pm
My sister would like to improve her intuitive intelligence because the lack of this is already affecting her daily life. I'm not an expert in this that's why I never knew that the subtle feeling on our bodies plays an important part, in terms of cultivating our intuition. These are helpful tips, but I guess it would be best for her to attend an emotional resilience seminar instead.
Diana Vehuni
7/8/2020 10:43:05 am
Thank you for sharing, Rachel! Yes, for many of us it is the easiest to hear the voice of our intuition by tuning into our body.
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Diana Vehuni, Ph.D., is a certified spiritual and holistic life coach, mindfulness meditation teacher, and an artist. She brings together perennial mystical wisdom and cutting-edge scientific knowledge to facilitate profound transformation in her students and clients. Archives
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