A limiting belief is created when we give an inaccurate meaning to a negative experience we had and begin to perceive life through the lens of that conclusion. Most of our negative beliefs begin forming when we are too young and unaware to understand what is happening.
For example, if as a child we ask our parents to play with us and we repeatedly hear that they have too much work to do and have no time, we may begin to feel that we are not important enough. When someone in school we like doesn’t want to be friends with us, we may reaffirm this thought that we are not good enough for someone to want to spend time with us. And later, if we decide to ask a girl out and she says no, now we probably have developed a belief that we are not worthy or likable. And we will begin to anticipate our future experiences to be like the ones we had in the past. Expecting to be rejected, in this case. And we may even stop taking chances because rejection hurts. And, of course, no one wants to be hurt. Growing up, we may develop limiting beliefs about any aspect of our life. And unless these distorted perceptions are brought to light, analyzed, and transformed, they will continue to limit the choices we make, the opportunities we recognize and act on, and the results we achieve. You would probably agree now that it is really important to know what our limiting beliefs are and how we can transform them into empowering beliefs instead. But why so few people do it? Here are the 4 key reasons why. Reason #1: It is not easy to see our “blind spots.” Because the thinking process that is supposed to help us recognize these beliefs is distorted by the same beliefs. (This is where the support from a coach can make the difference between making a breakthrough or staying stuck.) Reason #2: These beliefs were originally created by our subconscious mind to protect us from being hurt or even harmed in the future. Therefore, they are closely linked to our survival mechanism. Our subconscious mind takes it very seriously. Even though we understand with our rational mind that getting rejected by a potential mate is not a threat to our life, the subconscious mind may actually perceive it that way. So, we need to recognize this fallacy. When we feel safe, we can proceed. Reason #3: We typically try to make changes to our perception, thinking, and behavior with our conscious mind. How else can we do it? The problem is that our conscious mind is only controlling 5% of our choices, the rest is hardwired into our subconscious mind, including our deeply held limiting beliefs. Thus we must change our subconscious mind. But how? The simple answer - through our emotions. Reason #4: Our subconscious mind is our body. Every thought we think is being translated biochemically into an emotion or a feeling. And just like the mind remembers the thoughts as memories, the body remembers experiences as feelings. So, if you had a bad experience (rejection, betrayal, physical pain, etc…) and the brain memorized the event, the body memorized the emotion associated with that event. Therefore, our emotions are the key to our transformation. To replace a limiting belief (with its associated emotion) with a new liberating and empowering belief, we need to generate a stronger emotion that is positive and uplifting. By repeatedly thinking new inspiring and empowering thoughts and feeling the corresponding feelings we can rewire our brain and energetically and biochemically change our body. It is like installing a new operating system. Over time, this new way of thinking, feeling, acting, and being will become the default, and we will become a new person. We will become someone for whom creating the life we always wanted would be natural and easy. Here are 10 powerful questions that will help you to begin uncovering these hidden beliefs. Please take your time to answer these questions and be completely honest with yourself. 1 What is it that you want to have or do but something is stopping you? 2 What is it that is REALLY holding you back from doing or getting what you want? 3 This is a problem because? 4 And this means? (You may want to ask this question several times to discover all the meanings you give to this.) 5 What is it that you must believe to make this problem even exist? 6 What is it that you believe about YOURSELF that has made this a problem? 7 What do you believe about the WORLD that has made this a problem? 8 About what time in your life did you decide that this was a problem? 9 What will overcoming this problem mean to you? 10 What will life be like when you no longer have this problem? If you would like support with getting crystal clear on all the ways you limit your success and self-expression and transform these limitations into your superpowers, consider booking a free consultation call. There are no obligations with this call. My greatest passion is to support you in transcending your past and transforming into your True Self. I work in many disciplines, combining profound mystical wisdom with advanced findings in neuroscience and physics to help you reconnect with and live from your Greatness, fully express your Magnificence and create a deeply satisfying life of peace, joy, harmony, love, and abundance, while fulfilling your destiny. I offer many powerful tools and proven methods for profound transformation and continuous evolution. I base my work on the extensive knowledge gained over almost two decades; my own experience of overcoming severe depression, anxiety, panic attacks, numerous limiting beliefs and self-defeating behaviors; and successfully helping my clients over years to transcend, transform and thrive as their True Selves.
Diana Vehuni, Ph.D., is a certified spiritual and holistic life coach, mindfulness meditation teacher, and an artist. She brings together perennial mystical wisdom and cutting-edge scientific knowledge to facilitate profound transformation in her students and clients. Archives
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