Is self-care selfish or is it actually our responsibility to take care of our needs so we have more to give to others? We all know that "you can't pour from an empty cup!"
Before you read the list, take a few deep breaths and connect with your body. A simple way to do it is to place your hands on your chest and breathe into your heart. As you read about each practice, pay attention to how your body reacts to it in subtle ways. Ask your intuition/inner wisdom – is this a good way to take care of myself at this time. Try to differentiate whether the answer is coming from your rational mind or the body’s wisdom. What our mind resists sometimes can be exactly what we need. Mark the practices you resonate with the most. If you get new ideas, make notes for yourself. Pick a few that you are going to start with. Make sure you don’t overwhelm yourself by trying to do too many things. Remember the goal is not the practices themselves, but the outcomes of those practices. Therefore, we want to find the best way for us to achieve our desired results at this phase of our journey. We may choose other practices in the future as our needs and desires change. Whatever you commit to doing, get specific, schedule it and if you find it challenging to stay consistent, find someone to keep you accountable. Some practices could be daily, some weekly, or monthly – whatever fits your lifestyle best at this time. Consistency is key to forming a habit. And, sometimes life can be unpredictable, and you may miss a day or need to adjust your schedule. This could be a great opportunity to practice self-compassion. Periodically, take time to reflect on how these practices are contributing to your well-being. Adjust your self-care routine as needed to ensure it continues to serve you. Don’t forget to acknowledge and celebrate the progress you make, no matter how small! 1. Create simple and quick morning and evening self-care routines you can be realistically consistent with. 2. Write down three things you are grateful for each day. Connect to the feeling of gratitude in the body. 3. Spend time in and reconnect with nature to relax and recharge. 4. Allow yourself to rest and do nothing “productive” for some time without feeling guilty. 5. Incorporate regular physical activity into your routine. Find a workout you can enjoy. 6. Take deep breaths to reduce stress and improve your mental, emotional, and physical well-being. 7. Spend time in silent meditation to connect with yourself. 8. Drink plenty of pure water each day to stay hydrated. 9. Take conscious breaks from digital devices to be more present and rest your senses. 10. Ensure you get enough restful sleep each night. If you struggle to sleep, consider incorporating some stress releasing or relaxation techniques into your bedtime routine. 11. Choose to eat more nutritious meals, take supplements when needed. 12. Use affirmations to rewrite your negative thinking patterns. 13. Journal about your thoughts and feelings to process and release them. 14. Engage in a creative activity you enjoy. 15. Practice self-compassion and be gentle with yourself. 16. Set reminders to ask yourself empowering questions. 17. Spend quality time with family and friends that support you. 18. Set boundaries with some people if needed to protect your energy. 19. Daydream about who you want to become and the life you want to live. 20. Connect with a community of like-minded people or join a support group for sharing and support. 21. Clean and organize your living space. Consider letting go of something old to make room for something new. 22. Spend time tending to plants and flowers, even if it’s only a few pots in the kitchen. 23. Practice yoga to deepen your breath and reconnect with your body. 24. Consider going to a sound bath or having an energy healing session. 25. Speak to yourself as you would speak to someone you love and care about. 26. Use essential oils to change or enhance your mood. 27. Take yourself out for a nice meal or go to an event. 28. Read a book that inspires and empowers you. 29. Plan your day to include time for self-care. 30. Take a short vacation or go on a personal retreat, even if it’s just for a day. 31. Practice speaking to your Inner Child in a kind and caring way. Reassure or validate their feelings. 32. Use art as a form of therapy. 33. Explore your relationship with Universe/God/Divine through spiritual practices that resonate with you. 34. Consider getting professional support – a coach, trainer, mentor - to achieve your goals faster. 35. Dance to your favorite music for joy and exercise. 36. Watch your favorite comedy and laugh out loud. 37. Learn something you are curious about. 38. Give yourself permission to try something new and “fail.” 39. Engage in hobbies that bring you joy. 40. Play with a baby or a young child. Let your Inner Child come out and play. 41. Surround yourself with beauty – you can get creative and do it on a budget. 42. Enjoy a relaxing bath with essential oils and candles. 43. Try to eat your meals mindfully, savoring each bite. 44. Listen to podcasts or watch videos to get inspired and educated. 45. Incorporate stretching exercises into your day. 46. Spend time with pets or animals at a shelter or pet store for comfort and joy. 47. Treat yourself to a massage or a professional spa. 48. Listen to your favorite music. 49. Consider changing your hair color or style if you haven’t in a while. 50. Ask for support when needed. You deserve it!
Diana Vehuni, Ph.D., is a certified spiritual and holistic life coach, mindfulness meditation teacher, and an artist. She brings together perennial mystical wisdom and cutting-edge scientific knowledge to facilitate profound transformation in her students and clients. Archives
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